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How much are your parties?

Our least expensive party is only $95 and is scheduled during our open play hours .We do have this party available on Weekends and Weekdays .You may have up to 6 KIDs. Your playtime is unlimited when you schedule your party during the week DAYS.


What if the party is on Saturday or Sunday?

We have our private Parties on weekday nights and Saturdays and Sundays. You are allowed up to 25 guests for only $265. Our Extreme party UPGRADE is $155 and include lots of food,snacks,drinks and fun. We also have open-play and semi-private parties on the weekends including Friday nights. They are limited to 2 hour parties on Sat. and Sun....

How do I reserve a party? You can reserve a party by e-mail or by phone.


We are happy to answer all you questions and you are sure to have the best party ever. A deposit is required and is non refundable.


What if I have additional kids?

There is a $10 charge for each additional child over your party limit. Only children who are walking and are age 18 and under are counted as part of your party. Infants are welcome to play but are not charged.


Will there be someone in the party room to serve cake/pizza/drinks etc...?


We do have attendants available to host your party. 


Can I bring decorations?

We have professionally decorated party rooms. We provide white paper plates, napkins, forks and cups. If you would like to bring your own paper goods,, you may do so, but any other changes in the room are not allowed.


Can I bring my own food?


The only food you can bring is a cake and, ice cream cups. No other outside food is allowed.

Baby food is ok.


Can I tip the arena/party attendants?


Yes. Our attendants work hard to make sure your party guests stay safe, have a great time, and everything runs smoothly for the parents. A tip for a job well done is appreciated.


Can I have alcohol for the adults?

No alcohol is allowed in our children's facility.


When do you need to know how much pizza to order?

We will call you the day before your party. At that time, we will need to know how many pizzas to order.


What if less guests show up for the party after I have ordered pizza, balloons and goody bags?

Once your pizza order has been placed, it cannot be changed. For everything else, you will only be charged for what you need to use. Your original party reservation/type can not be changed.


What else do I need to bring?  

A cake, candles and don't forget your socks!


Can we eat first and then play?

Special arrangements would need to be made, but it is possible.


Can all family members be on one waiver?

Yes, we have extras if anyone forgets theirs.

Does my 1 year old count as a guest?

Yes. We have a huge inflatable playground for toddlers with lots of laughing and learning.


What should we wear?

Comfortable clothes (no zippers on pant legs!). Long pants or sweats are best. Socks are required to enter the arena. .No jewelrey


What if I want to play longer or use the party room longer?

The cost is only $65 more for each additional 30 minutes in the inflatable arena. The party room is only $35 per additional half hour. We will need to know this when you schedule your party.


What time should we arrive?


10 minutes before the party would be great. We need to collect the wavers and review the rules with

the guests before they play.

Where are you located?


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